The Second Shaykas Story


The Arabian Nights Entertainment, John Payne, Printed for the Villon Society by private subscription and private circulation only by Harper Brothers, 1889, Illustrations by Louis Rhead


Thousand and one Nights in three Volumes, Edward Willimas Lane, John Murray, 1859, Illustrated by engravings on wood from designs by William Harben, Edited by Edward Stanley Poole

The Second Shaykh's tale

     The Second Shaykh married a beautiful woman and was successful in business. His brothers, however, were jealous and tried to kill him and his wife by throwing them into the sea. In reality, the woman is a powerful Jinniyah who saves herself and her husband from drowning. In her anger, she wants to kill the brothers for their treachery but the Shaykh talks her out of it. Instead, she asks her sister to the men into dogs for ten years to teach them a lesson. She does and now the ten years are up and the Shaykh is returning to his sister-in-law to change them back.